Clinical Trial Intelligence (CTI)™

CureMatch’s approach of scoring monotherapy and or combination therapy options on the basis of each patient’s entire molecular cancer profile can be used to optimize, rescue, and help plan new clinical trials in oncology.

The CureMatch analytical platform, which is used for a molecularly precise scoring and personalized selection of novel therapeutic combinations, can be applied to optimize clinical trials and improve chances of success. This methodology has been granted a CPT code and clinically validated to show that higher molecularly matched cancer therapies are correlated with better clinical outcomes for both, progression-free survival and overall survival (PFS and OS) across cancers. Poorly matched therapies are associated with drastically worse disease progression and overall survival outcomes in cancer patients.

CureMatch CTI can be valuable for patient stratification and better clinical trial design to increase efficacy, and reduce chances of adverse effects, dropouts, and trial failure. The platform can also be used to
analyze Real World Data from past trials to predict culprits or propose trial rescue options.

CureMatch does not focus on just the 1:1 match of any target biomarker to the investigated drug but quantifies the molecular fitness of a drug to the entire cancer-driving molecular profile of each unique patient. No other company provides that.


CTI can suggest stratification based on matching score thresholds and also (optionally) suggest any molecular biomarkers (other than the targets/biomarkers of trial’s primary focus) that can influence the proposed therapy’s success or failure, alone or in various combinations, within a given population of patients. Based on the CTI analysis results and the needs of the Pharmaceutical Company involved, CureMatch can assist in refining clinical trial arms, comparison to other existing therapies, proposing markers for inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inputs Needed

PDF results from patients’ molecular profiling tests performed using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of somatic DNA-level cancer biomarkers is a requirement. All know targets of the investigated therapy is a requirement. Additionally, proteomic and transcriptomic biomarkers wherever known can be provided for more comprehensive analysis.

Using CureMatch score for eligibility criteria as part of the Clinical Trials Intelligence solution would allow more therapies brought to market in a more time and cost-efficient manner.